Collins on Bourke (Building sprinkler tank)



Waterproofing a leaking 500 CM Sprinkler Tank.

The 500 cubic metre sprinkler tank at the Collins on Bourke building, Alexandria, was leaking and partially flooding the building car park. It had to be repaired quickly.

The primary contactor was Tasman Resinflow Pty, Ltd, with Cascade Waterproofing contacted to complete the waterproofing of the tank. All products used in the repair were manufactured by AMI.

In order to operate in confined spaces (tank in particular), a myriad to OH&S issues needed to be satisfied. Certificates in confined space operation, air breathing apparatus, compliance monitoring etc. The cost of the compliance equally almost 20% of the overall charge to the customer.

The repair required the tank to be emptied, high pressure washed and dried. The substrate made good. The entire job took 2 weeks.
In order to undertake the repair, the Sydney Fire Brigade had to be informed that the complex sprinkler system was not operational during the repair. The Fire Brigade was kept informed of the repair progress.

Throughout the period of repair, the atmosphere in the tank was removed by large extractor fans with gas monitor equipment in use inside the tank whilst an applicator was in the tank. Applicators were fully equipped with breathing apparatus and harness whilst in the tank.


Hydrostatic Epoxy Application

 After drying and repairing the substrate with a combination of epxoy mortar and sealants, the walls and base received two coats of AMI HydroStatic epoxy on successive days. The intersection of the walls and floor was fibreglassed using AMI’s Hydrostatic epxoy. All intersection along the floor and walls were treated in this way. The roof of the tank was not touched.


Hydrostatic Epoxy Application 

First Coat Of Silicone Being Applied

Following the application of AMI’s HydroStatic Epoxy, two costs of AMI S400 Silicone membrane were rolled on with intersection areas being covered by brush. The silicone membrane was allowed 4 days to cure before the tank was filled with water. S400 is not affected by water or being submerged in water and was therefore the membrane of choice for this critical application.


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